Music Design - Han Halewijn
Kunstwerken ontwikkeld met KED.
In samenwerking is de technologie integratie en de productie van de hard en software gerealiseerd.
Music Design develops websites from start till finish in close cooperation with the customer and is even a sparring partner for content restructuring or strategic reflection over interactive content delivery. Music Design furthermore is a research and development partner for new media implementation or production and realizes in this state all works of art of Han Halewijn.
Interactive Woods (price winning project)
Interactive Woods is a Concert for People, Technology, Surrounding and a Woodwind Player. Interactive Woods is about the nesessity of both nature and technological developments. Walk around and together you produce the concert of technology. Respect and enjoy the surrounding and you will hear the concert of the nature.
Animated Light (the light flower)
The LightFlower is a modular RGBW Led Panel developed for the Interchange Me Project and has the ability to control 1024 leds on a 30cm x30cm panel. Every panel can be master for the others or acts as a slave therefor the system uses no external computer. The LED Panels can be added seamlessly upto the end of your budget.
Swing Swong (singing dancefloor)
Swing Swong the Singing Dance Floor wil translate your movement into chant and it will translate words into english or dutch. Move your arms to trigger the infrared and change the words on the display. Move your feets to trigger the sounds with your magnetic shoes. Then start to search for the parrot but be carefull if he's there don't scare him because he gone before you know it.
Turn the world upside down (interactive concert)
TeeWeeDee - Turn the World Upside Down is a performance where a danser conducts the musician through an interactive floor and thus the innerlive of musicians will be reveiled. A dancer is bound to leave her protected area. Now she is confronted with musicians walking in patterns around here. Then she starts to touch them and after that she removes parts of their costume. Meanwhile she is changing the innerworld of the musicians. They start to change by producing different sounds and movements. Projectors are showing the inner development of each musician while their world is turned around.
Disturbing Utopia (paper art biennial 7 - price winning project)
Disturbing Utopia is a selfdestructive piece of art and thus generates a Poëtic reflexion. Entering the space will bring your gravity into it and thus you disturb the gravity of the space. The more you disturb by moving around and producing sounds the quicker one of the 10.000 trees (A4 papers) will fall down into the new gravity. You walk in the sky and are leaving your footsteps behind. The disturbance changes the speed in which the 5 planets are spreading their light onto Utopia thus disturbing the existence of the planet.
De Bron (interactive children project - educational project)
The Well of Beautifull Things was placed in the garden of the Museum Groeneveld. The well of beautifull things was part of an educational program about the nature and all what is in it. It is a story about a frog. At the end of their puzzletour the kids find the Well and have to sing the song of Leo the Frog around the closed Well. If they sing the song right the Well will open its 4 doors and the children are able to inteact with it. While they look insight the Well they see lights and colored objectsand the most beautifull thing that nature has evoked: their neighbour across reflected in the Well. Then suddenly the state of the well changes according to the interaction from day to night and the children can see even further into the Well discovering Leo the Frog controlling all.
Concerto Grosso (expo2000 interactive concert tour)
Interactive Woods is a Concert for People, Technology, Surrounding and a Woodwind Player. Interactive Woods is about the nesessity of both nature and technological developments. Walk around and together you produce the concert of technology. Respect and enjoy the surrounding and you will hear the concert of the nature.
Zie voorts: Music Design en Han Halewijn
contact KED voor hardware ontwikkelingen nodig in jullie project.